Whether we are doing it consciously or unconsciously, every second of our existence, we are acting as human magnets sending out our thoughts and emotions and attracting back more of what we have put out. Many teachings have spoken of this for a number of centuries; take a look at Proverbs 23:7, it reads ‘As a man thinketh in his heart so is he’.
As Abraham Hicks reminds us: “If you have the ability to imagine it, or even to think about it, this Universe has the ability and the resources to deliver it fully to you, for this Universe is like a well-stocked kitchen with every ingredient imaginable at your disposal. And within every particle of this Universe is that which is wanted and therefore, also the lack of it. This perspective of abundance, and the lack of it, is the environment in which focus is possible-and focus activates the Law of Attraction.”
There is nothing in all of the Universe that is more important for anyone to understand than how the vibration they are offering is matching the vibrations of their desires, and the way that you feel is your indicator of whether you are allowing your connection to Source or not. Every good feeling; every positive creation; all of your abundance, clarity, health, vitality, and Well-Being-and all of the items that you consider to be good, are entirely dependent upon the way you are feeling right now, at this moment, and on the connection that that feeling-vibration has to the vibration of who you really are and what you really desire. Every single one of your decisions in life, good and bad, have been shaped by YOU alone.
Unfortunately, we get into our own heads with limiting beliefs that we are not good enough, that we’re not powerful enough, etc. You cannot receive vibrationally something that you simply aren’t a vibrational match to.
Here are a couple tips to get rid of those self-limiting beliefs and replacing them with positive affirmations
Identify your Limiting Belief
To eradicate a limiting belief we must first clearly state and see the obstacle for what it really is. Each limiting belief will be different from the other, however, what is in common is how you are feeling; you don’t feel good, ex. you’re feeling scared, anxious or hopeless.
Connect to Choice
Once you are aware of your limiting belief it is time to remind yourself that the belief is not happening to you, it is something arising from your internal thought process and you CAN change it.
Repeat to yourself ”I created or adopted this belief, and it no longer serves me. At any time, I can choose to create or adopt a new belief, a far better one to replace this one. Am I ready to do that now?” Give yourself an emphatic and authentic YES.
Expand the context around the limiting belief
The next step is to break through the resistance of the mental landscape just as if you’re clearing weeds from your garden. As soon as you notice a limiting belief in your mind, pause and elevate your degrading self talk to an empowering declaration that will clear out those mental weeds and create space for creativity. This will help you focus upon your current strengths instead of things you cannot control.
Create New Possibilities
Now that our mental weeding is complete it’s time to plant some new seeds and just as we would take care of our garden, we need to water these seeds daily. It’s time to brainwash ourselves into the new way of thinking that will serve you best.
A common limiting belief is ‘I cannot…’. When you believe that you are not able then you will be very unlikely to try. If you believe that you can, then you have a far better chance of getting there. Our sense of identity is extremely important to us and ‘I am’ statements directly reflect on our constructed self.
I am intelligent. If I work hard, I can learn most things. I am worthy of abundance, it IS my birthright
To merely think the new belief is not enough. Your body must also say a solid yes to this new energy. One great way to get the body to hold the potential of this new belief is to practice saying your affirmation aloud then close your eyes for three long, deep breaths. As you breathe, picture your new visualization in your mind, feel it happening and imagine the new belief literally downloading into your cells.
How does it feel to hold this new belief as if it were a reality right now?